Taastrup Torv


Sophienberg Gruppen A/S

Sophienberg Gruppen A/S was founded in 2007; led by equal partners in the company, Lars Bigom and Niels Krag. Chairman of the board, Lars Thylander, represents the majority; Thylander Gruppen A/S. As of Februar 2022 Sophienberg Gruppen is a wholly owned subsidiary of Thylander.

Our management team has a strong track record of developing real estate projects in strategic locations that are desirable for both commercial, residential and integrated developments.

Over the last ten years we have developed more than 150.000 Sq. Mt. of residential and commercial assets at numerous locations in Greater Copenhagen – approx. 5 Mia DKK is under development. We focus on acquisitions, project development and resale, while constructions are carried out in co-operation with external consultancy partners and contractors.

Project development services include supervising and coordinating all aspects of the developments, including construction, hiring project managers and architects and applying for licenses and approvals. Project development services are provided until the completion of construction.

Generally every property project is carried out with resale in mind – sold off within three years of purchase.

Our Vision is; through innovation and passion to be a highly regarded partner, with special focus on complex development projects. We create and develop economically sustainable properties with lasting architectural value for our investors, associates and the community.

Mission; Developing properties for owners, tenants and the surrounding community.

Values; Foresighted, Inventive, Value-adding, Innovative


Our innovative property development is based on reliable investors. Sophienberg Gruppen A/S has a number of superb and effective co-operating partners from both the financial and construction industries. We are continually developing new, long-term projects.

Potential investors are always welcome to contact us.



The Management Team

Managing director
Lars Bigom

Lars Bigom has over three decades of experience in the construction, real estate and property development sector. He is the Managing Director and is responsible for the overall management of the company.
Mobile +45 21 63 22 35
Direct  +45 39 10 60 07

Niels Krag

Niels Krag has over three decades of experience in the construction, real estate and property development sector. He is the Director and is responsible for the daily management of the projects.
Mobile +45 29 26 13 06

Read more about Thylander Gruppen A/S here




Bredgade 40
1260 København K

Tlf: 39 10 60 00